Mehatronik operater

The Mechatronics Operator training program was created at the initiative of industry and crafts due to the need for professionals capable of maintaining machines and devices in modern computer-controlled manufacturing technologies. The profession of mechatronics operator combines knowledge and skills in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology.

Upon completion of education, the student will:
  • be a humane, tolerant and responsible personality capable of teamwork, participation and life in a pluralistic and democratic society,
  • be trained in teamwork and teamwork and participation in project work,
  • have the foundations for the development of a personal organizational culture in the workplace and work environment,
  • seek rational and professional solutions in the implementation of activities in the work environment,
  • be oriented towards lifelong learning and training,
  • be trained to apply knowledge and skills in new situations.

The teaching of professional content is no longer conducted in the classical – by individual subjects, but is divided into classes. Linking the learning content to a meaningful whole makes it easier for the student to understand. Students acquire general and theoretical professional knowledge and some practical knowledge and skills in school, and some of their professional knowledge and practical skills will also be acquired in the work environment. Practical education in Years 2 and 3 is therefore carried out at school and in the work process itself in companies, where it is conducted under the guidance of masters in workshops and workshops.

The job (i.e. the work of a mechatronics operator):

The mechatronics operator’s abilities and skills are especially evident in the modern industry, where modern machines and lines are needed and the knowledge of different fields needs to be combined.

A mechatronics operator manages and preventively maintains production assets, knows the quality and control standards of controllers, maintains pneumatic devices, controls the sensors, replaces various belts, bearings, conveyors, repairs and maintains hydraulic aggregates, batteries, pumps, safety valves, manufactures and maintains pneumatic and hydraulic pipelines. He or she also repairs heaters, heaters, air conditioners, assists in disassembling and installing electric motors, changing oils, oil filters and cleaning tanks.

Enrolment conditions:

A student who has successfully completed one of the following educational programs may enroll in the educational program:

  • primary education, or
  • lower vocational training, or
  • equivalent education under previous regulations
Conditions for successful completion of education

In order to complete education and get a degree, the student must be positively assessed in the following subjects:

  • general education subjects
  • compulsory professional modules
  • optional professional modules
  • the open part of the curriculum

In addition, he or she must fulfil obligations in the following subject areas:

  • extracurricular activities
  • obligations in practical training through work
  • final exam
The final exam comprises:
  • written and oral exam in Slovene
  • final project work


 Program units 1st year 2nd year 3rd year TOTAL number of training hours and weeks
Hours per Hours per Hours per
week year week year week year
A – General education subjects
Slovene 3 99 2 66 3 48 213
Mathematics 3 99 2 66 3 48 213
Foreign language 2 66 2 66 2 32 164
Art 1 33 33
Natural science 1 33 1 33 66*
Social sciences 2 66 2 66 132
Sports 2 66 2 66 2 32 164
Total from Section A 14 462 11 363 10 160 985
B – Professional learning contents
Technical communication
Production processes
Total from Section B 12 396 15 495 13 208 1099
Of which for:
C – Practical education at school
Practical education 5 165 10 330 10 160 655
Č – Practical training
Practical training in companies 114 114 684 912
D – Extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities 64 64 32 160
E – The open part of the curriculum
At the school level 7 231 7 231 9 144 606
Total number of school hours (A+B+E) 33 1089 33 1089 32 512 2690
Total number of practical training hours (C+Č) 279 444 844 1567
The total number of school hours of school education (A+B+D+E) 1153 1153 544 2850
Total (A+B+Č+D+E) 1267 1267 1228 3762
Number of weeks of school education at school 33 33 16 82
The number of weeks of practical training in companies 3 3 18 24
Number of weeks of extracurricular activities 2 2 1 5
The total number of weeks of the educational process 38 38 35 111

* Non-integrated part of science. 132 hours are foreseen for the entire Knowledge Catalog.