Maribor Technical School Center is a consortium partner in the project “Implementation of continuing vocational education and training programs in 2018-2022” or MUNERA3.

The purpose of the invitation to tender is to increase the involvement of employees in continuing vocational education and training programs and to improve their competences due to needs in the labor market, increased employability and mobility between the fields of work and personal development and functioning in modern society.

The objective of the invitation to tender is to improve the competences of employees to reduce the mismatch between the participants’ skills on one hand, and and labor market needs, on the other.

The target group are employees who need additional training, qualifications or retraining due to the needs of the labor market and the workplace.

Training programs: Within the project, we, together with our employers, have prepared programs in the various fields available for implementation. The training programs are based on the production of technical documentation using 3D modeling software, CNC metal processing (manual and machine programming), understanding of technical documentation and the use of measuring tools in mechanical engineering and business communication in German.

The training is free of charge for employed persons and is funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.


Offered courses

Courses enrollment
